What about Me?: the struggle for identity in a market-based society
Scribe Publications | Paperback | 2014 | ISBN: 1922247375
According to current thinking, anyone who fails to succeed must have something wrong with them. The pressure to achieve and be happy is taking a heavy toll, resulting in a warped view of the self, disorientation, and despair. People are lonelier than ever before. Today's pay-for-performance mentality is turning institutions such as schools, universities, and hospitals into businesses - even individuals are being made to think of themselves as one-person enterprises. Love is increasingly hard to find, and we struggle to lead meaningful lives. In "What about Me?", Paul Verhaeghe's main concern is how social change has led to this psychic crisis and altered the way we think about ourselves. He investigates the effects of 30 years of neoliberalism, free-market forces, privatisation, and the relationship between our engineered society and individual identity. It turns out that who we are is, as always, determined by the context in which we live. From his clinical experience as a psychotherapist, Verhaeghe shows the profound impact that social change is having on mental health, even affecting the nature of the disorders from which we suffer. But his book ends on a note of cautious optimism. Can we once again become masters of our fate?
Love in a Time of Loneliness
Cover Liefde in tijden van eenzaamheid
Karnac Books | Paperback | 2011
ISBN10: 1855756986 | ISBN13: 9781855756984
Paul Verhaeghe shows us what it is about sex that both keeps us moving and inhibits us at the same time. The first essay, “The Impossible Couple”, is both a humorous and razor-sharp analysis of the contemporary relationship between man and woman. In the second essay, “Fleeing Fathers”, the author demonstrates that today the Freudian Oedipus complex has disappeared, with a resulting shattering of classic gender roles. Post-modern morals are strange compared to previous morality, because they convey an obligation to enjoy. Things become even stranger when one finds that the expected enjoyment fails to come and, instead of that, we are faced with boredom, anxiety, and anger. The reasons for this are discussed in the third essay, “The Drive”. Today, sexual abuse is omnipresent, with the male in the role of offender, women and children reduced to his victims. Paul Verhaeghe reconsiders the opposition between Eros and Thanatos as an opposition between two forms of sexual pleasure. The fact that this opposition is ever present in heterosexual love demonstrates that gender differentiation goes beyond temporal cultural forms.
On Being Normal and Other Disorders: A Manual for Clinical Psychodiagnostics
Cover Over Normaliteit En Andere Afwijkingen
Other Press | Paperback | 2004
ISBN10: 1590510895 | ISBN13: 9781590510896
The central argument of On Being Normal and Other Disorders is that psychic identity is acquired through one's primary intersubjective relationships. Thus, the diagnosis of potential pathologies must also be founded on this relation. Given that the efficacy of all forms of treatment depends upon the therapeutic relation, a diagnostic of this sort has wide-ranging applications.
By engaging this new theoretical approach in a constant dialogue with the findings of contemporary research, this book provides a compass for the practical applications of such a differential diagnostic. Post-modern categories of anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders are approached both through the well-known neurotic, psychotic, and perverse structures, as well as through the less familiar distinction between an actual pathology and a psychopathology. These two outlooks, which involve the role of language and the subject's relation to the Other, are spelled out to show their implications for treatment at every turn.
Does the Woman Exist?: From Freud's Hysteric to Lacan's Feminine
Cover Tussen Hysterie En Vrouw
Other Press | Paperback | 1999
ISBN10: 1892746158 | ISBN13: 9781892746153
This book describes how Freud attempted to chart hysteria, yet came to a standstill at the problem of woman and her desire, and of how Lacan continued along this road by creating new conceptual tools. The difficulties and upsets encountered by both men are examined. This lucid presentation of the dialectical process that carries Lacan through the evolution of Freud’s thought offers profound insights into the place of the “feminine mystique” in our social fabric. Patiently and carefully, Verhaeghe applies the Lacanian grid to Freud’s text and succeeds in explaining Lacan’s formulations without merely recapitulating his theories. The reader is informed, along the way, not only of Lacan’s take on Freudian ideas, but also of the array of interpretations emerging from other trends in post-Freudian literature, including feminist revisionism.
New Studies of Old Villains: A Radical Reconsideration of the Oedipus Complex
Cover A Radical Reconsideration of the Oedipus Complex
Other Press | Paperback | 2009
ISBN10: 1590512820 | ISBN13: 9781590512821
Freud's discovery of the Oedipus complex has had a tumultuous fate in the field of psychology in the United States. At first considered the kernel of psychoanalysis it progressively lost its luster because of its patriarchal underpinnings—today Freud is barely studied in psychology departments. His theory of the unconscious born of the notion that the child represses his love for his mother for fear of incurring his father's wrath is now obsolete and replaced by various theories focused mainly on the mother-child relationship where the burning question of the child's sexual development is conveniently set aside. In this revolutionary book Paul Verhaeghe, an expert Lacanian psychoanalyst and psychologist and award-winning author, explains why the Oedipus complex is not what it appears to be. Freud's theory can be read as aa defensive myth that patients themselves invent in order to avoid confronting a forbidden enjoyment. Lacan's theory sheds a new light on this need for a defense. Seen from that angle the whole history of psychoanalysis, its twists and turns, is revisited, revealing connections with recent discoveries in attachment theory. New Studies on Old Villains will be of great interest to psychologists, therapists, and departments of psychology.
Beyond Gender: From Subject to Drive (Studieboek)
Cover Beyond Gender: From Subject to Drive
Other Press | Paperback | 2001
ISBN10: 1590510054 | ISBN13: 9781590510056
Freud's discovery of the Oedipus complex has had a tumultuous fate in the field of psychology in the United States. At first considered the kernel of psychoanalysis it progressively lost its luster because of its patriarchal underpinnings—today Freud is barely studied in psychology departments. His theory of the unconscious born of the notion that the child represses his love for his mother for fear of incurring his father's wrath is now obsolete and replaced by various theories focused mainly on the mother-child relationship where the burning question of the child's sexual development is conveniently set aside. In this revolutionary book Paul Verhaeghe, an expert Lacanian psychoanalyst and psychologist and award-winning author, explains why the Oedipus complex is not what it appears to be. Freud's theory can be read as aa defensive myth that patients themselves invent in order to avoid confronting a forbidden enjoyment. Lacan's theory sheds a new light on this need for a defense. Seen from that angle the whole history of psychoanalysis, its twists and turns, is revisited, revealing connections with recent discoveries in attachment theory. New Studies on Old Villains will be of great interest to psychologists, therapists, and departments of psychology.
De neoliberale waanzin: Efficiënt, flexibel en gestoord
de neoliberale waanzin
VUBPress | Nederlands | Aantal pagina’s: 52 | Paperback
Druk: 1 | ISBN13: 9789070289270
Vandaag is onze omgeving door en door neoliberaal en dit al voldoende lange tijd om vormgevende effecten te hebben op onze identiteit, onze normen en waarden. Afgaand op de statistieken is de balans overduidelijk negatief: nooit waren er zo veel stoornissen als vandaag. Die stoornissen zijn bovendien anders dan pakweg dertig jaar geleden en ze worden ook anders behandeld. In vergelijking met de klassieke psychotherapie is de huidige aanpak niet veel meer dan een disciplinering (zit stil en let op!) die perfect aansluit bij de huidige angst voor de ander. Dat ook deze angst een gevolg is van het neoliberalisme heeft als effect dat collectief protest zeer moeilijk van de grond komt. Dat zo’n protest nodig is lijdt volgens Paul Verhaeghe geen twijfel.
Het Einde van de Psychotherapie
het einde van de psychotherapie
De Bezige Bij | Nederlands | Aantal pagina’s: 256 | Paperback
Druk: 4 | ISBN10: 9023458249 | ISBN13: 9789023458241
Beleven we het einde van de psychotherapie? Heeft Freud afgedaan? Tegenwoordig wordt verondersteld dat alle psychische problemen – adhd, depressie, burn-out, persoonlijkheidsstoornis – ziektes zijn, of gevolgen van erfelijke afwijkingen die met medicijnen te bestrijden zijn. Pillen in plaats van praten.
Paul Verhaeghe neemt in dit boek krachtig stelling tegen deze ontwikkeling. De oorzaken van het groeiend aantal psychische problemen moeten niet gezocht worden in genen of neuronen, maar in de manier waarop onze maatschappij met psychische problemen omgaat. Mensen gaan met andere problemen naar de psychiater dan vroeger, zijn minder dan voorheen geneigd tot intro- spectie en reflectie en verwachten zonder enige persoonlijke inspanning direct van hun problemen verlost te kunnen worden. De bijna automatisch voorgestelde remedie – pillen – bevestigt deze situatie.
Het einde van de psychotherapie pleit voor een andere visie op de hedendaagse psychische problemen en een grondige herwaardering van de psychotherapie.
Klinische Psychodiagnostiek vanuit de discourstheorie (Studieboek)
Cover Klinische Psychodiagnostiek vanuit de discourstheorie
Idesçca | Nederlands | Aantal pagina’s: 211 | Paperback
Druk: 1 | ISSN: 0771-5862
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